Exhibitor Information

SHOWCASE your Products & Services   

Find PARTNERSHIP Opportunities   

NETWORK with Industry Leaders

The Welcome Reception and Lunch with you, the exhibitor, will encourage attendee participation.

We also recommend bringing FREE promotional items to entice visitation at your booth. baluster

Exhibit Schedule

Exhibitor Setup

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
2:00 – 6:00 PM

Thursday, April 29, 2021
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Exhibits Open

Welcome Reception with Exhibitors
Thursday, April 29, 2021, from 5:00 – 7:00 PM

Lunch with Exhibitors
Friday, Aril 30, 2021 from 12:30 – 2:30 PM

Exhibitor Teardown

Friday, April 30, 2021
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Exhibiting at the SMA Annual Conference

The SMA Annual Conference attendees are interested in the latest developments related to your products and services. The SMA welcomes member and non-member companies to exhibit at our annual conference. Non-member companies must be approved by the Marketing and Membership Committee Chair. Any non-member exhibitor choosing to join the SMA membership during the Annual Conference will receive a $300 credit toward their annual membership dues.

Exhibitor Pricing

Early Exhibit

(purchase by January 10, 2021)

Member: $750
Non-Member: $1,050

Advance Exhibit

(purchase by February 15, 2021)

Member: $875
Non-Member: $1,175

Late Exhibit

(purchase after February 15, 2021)

Member: $1,050
Non-Member: $1,400

Exhibitor Package Includes:

One 6″ draped table, additional table only $300
Full conference registration for 1 attendee
FREE conference program listing
FREE preconference promotional advertisement with your company’s message

Exhibiting Makes Sense!

The Only Stair Industry Conference in America!

Consolidated Schedule with exhibit hours on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon

Welcome Reception on Thursday and Lunch on Friday in the exhibit hall will provide the opportunity to meet every attendee

Free Ad in our preconference promotion

Special Listing in conference program with your logo

Your Promo Flyer included in attendee packets

 To reserve your booth space, please contact:

Toll Free: 877.500.5759
Email: SMA@stairwats.org

Exhibit Hall Floor Plan

(booths assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis with payment)

Exhibiting Policy

Promotional displays, materials, literature, samples, etc may not be distributed at SMA events except by registered SMA Exhibitors in the Exhibit Hall. Such promotional items are subject to SMA approval and may not include pricing or any form of comparison to specific competitors.

Exhibitor Discount

Members! Receive a 20% Discount on SMA Newsletter Advertising for the March and/or June issues when you register to exhibit by January 10th.